Data Prepration

icefall relies on Lhotse library for data prepration. It makes audio data preparation for all recipes. Lets study and investigate whats happening at each stage.

  1. First, manifests of the data are prepared
     lhotse prepare commonvoice -j 1 $commonvoice_dir data/manifests

    In data/manifests you can find files like


    Let’s take a look at the contents of these files:

     gzip -cd data/manifests/commonvoice_recordings_train.jsonl.gz | head -n 1

    Sample content:

     gzip -cd data/manifests/commonvoice_supervisions_train.jsonl.gz | head -n 1

    Sample content:

     "text":"~MUSIC i like spongebob.. so does my neighbour",

  2. Pre-processing of Manifests
    The next step is the pre-processing of these manifests using:


    This involves cleaning and normalizing transcripts for train/test/valid data. It inputs


    The processed cuts are stored in data/fbank/commonvoice_cuts_train_raw.jsonl.gz.

  3. Further, this cut is split into 1000 pieces (num_splits)
     lhotse split 1000 -i 1 ./data/fbank/commonvoice_cuts_train_raw.jsonl.gz $split_dir

    However, this split is only done for the train dataset and not for other sets. These cuts are stored in:

    • data/fbank/commonvoice_train_split_1000/commonvoice_cuts_train_raw.1.jsonl.gz
    • data/fbank/commonvoice_train_split_1000/commonvoice_cuts_train_raw.2.jsonl.gz
    • data/fbank/commonvoice_train_split_1000/commonvoice_cuts_train_raw.3.jsonl.gz
    • … and so on.
  4. Each of these cuts is then processed, and fbank features are computed
     ./local/ --num-workers $nj --batch-duration 200 --start 0 --num-splits $num_splits

    Here is how the processing takes place:

     Processing 1/1000
     Loading data/fbank/commonvoice_train_split_1000/commonvoice_cuts_train_raw.1.jsonl.gz
     Filtering out super short utts
     Removed 0 cuts from 1000 cuts. 0.000% data is removed.
     Doing speed perturb (train set only)
     Splitting cuts into smaller chunks.
     Computing features
     Computing features in batches
     Saving to data/fbank/commonvoice_train_split_1000/commonvoice_cuts_train.1.jsonl.

    At the end of each processing step, two files are created in data/fbank/commonvoice_train_split_1000/:

    • commonvoice_feats_train_1.lca: fbank features stored in compressed format (lilcom_chunky: *.lca)
    • commonvoice_cuts_train.1.jsonl.gz: new cut stored after filtering short sentences, doing speed perturbation, etc. For the next steps, this cut shall be used and not the raw one.
  5. Feature Combination
    Next, the features are combined for the train set using:

     lhotse combine $pieces data/fbank/commonvoice_cuts_train.jsonl.gz

    This takes all the new cuts and combines them into one file data/fbank/commonvoice_cuts_train.jsonl.gz. Further, it shuffles them.

  6. Transcript Creation and BPE Models
    Finally, the train transcripts are created from data/fbank/commonvoice_cuts_train.jsonl.gz, and BPE models are created.