Where exactly audio read and feature extraction (KaldiFeat fbank) is done in Lhotse?

Audio read

The process begins with the creation of a UnsupervisedWaveformDataset object in Lhotse.

dataset = UnsupervisedWaveformDataset(collate=collate)

A DataLoader is then created from the dataset [see: lhotse/cut/set.py].

dloader = DataLoader( dataset, batch_size=None, sampler=sampler, num_workers=num_workers )

Inside UnsupervisedWaveformDataset class (lhotse/lhotse/dataset/unsupervised.py), __getitem__ returns

"cuts": cuts,
"audio": audio,

So when we iterate through the dloader, we get cuts and audio tensor -

for batch in dloader:
	cuts = batch["cuts"]
	waves = batch["audio"]

To get audio tensor, we can simply do

for cut in cut_set: 

Further to extract features in set.py,

features = extractor.extract_batch( waves, sampling_rate=cuts[0].sampling_rate, lengths=wave_lens )

Extractor has been explained here. The function extract_batch is present in lhotse/features/kaldifeat.py. The actual Kaldifeat fbank feature extraction takes place in here (lhotse/features/kaldifeat.py) – this is because the extractor specifies the type of feature I.e. Kaldifeat fbank) -

import kaldifeat 
self.extractor = kaldifeat.Fbank(kaldifeat.FbankOptions.from_dict(self.config.to_dict()) )
# Actual feature extraction. 
result = self.extractor(samples, chunk_size=self.config.chunk_size)

Once the Kaldifeat fbank features are computed, they are sent to further processing -

_save_worker(cuts, features)- this is done in lhotse/cut/set.py			

No matter what start or end times are specified, the feature extraction process will compute features for the entire audio file. If the associated transcript for the audio file specifies a segment, such as from 5 seconds to 8 seconds within a 20-minute long audio, the computed features should be trimmed to this specific segment before being saved to the LCA-compressed file. Lets see how this is done in _save_worker(cuts, features)

Inside the below function, the actual trimming is done (set.py)

# Features= lhotse.features.base.Features
feat_manifest = Features( 

This actually writes the feature on the disk.

storage_key = feats_writer.write(cut.id, feat_mat) 

Returns keys like: “14601,31,23,42”. The first number is the offset for the whole array, and the following numbers are relative offsets for each chunk. These offsets are relative to the previous chunk start.