
SLURM is an open-source cluster management and job scheduling system for Linux Clusters. Main function

  • Allocates access to resources (computer nodes)
  • Provides a framework to run and monitor jobs on allocated nodes
  • Manage a job queue for competing resource requests.

Overview of SLURM commands

  • sinfo : display compute partition and node information
  • sbatch : submit a job script for remote execution
  • srun : launch parallel tasks (job steps) for MPI jobs
  • salloc : allocate resources for an interactive job
  • squeue : display status for jobs and job steps
  • sprio : display job priority information
  • scancel : cancel pending or running jobs
  • sstat : display status information for running jobs
  • sacct : display accounting information for past jobs
  • seff : display job efficiency information for past jobs
  • scontrol : display or modify slurm configuration and state

Codes for common node state

  • Draining : the node is currently executing a job, but will not be allocated additional jobs
  • Maint: The node is currently in a reservation with a flag value of maintenance
  • Mixed: The node has some of its CPUs allocated with others are IDLE
  • Reserved: The node is in advanced and not generally available.

myaccount : to know your default project account

View the status of all running jobs

squeue -u sagar -o "%.6i %9P %15j %.6u %.10T %.10M %.10l %.6D %10R %s %.10g"

Interactive job

This basically helps you run your script interactively by allocating a terminal/console for you and you get to see all verbose generated by your script.

Interactive CPU job

srun --job-name "InteractiveJob" --cpus-per-task 8 --ptybash


  • InteractiveJob : name of your job. (when you run squeue -u sagar you can identify your job with that name)
  • --cpus-per-task 8 : you need 8 cores for this job (16 threads)
  • --ptybash : this will open a bash terminal for you and let YOU run the job (that’s why we call it an interactive job, since you can interact with the terminal, and control the arguments for your script)

You can also specify other parameters like

  • --mem-per-cpu=16gb : each core to have 16 Gb RAM
  • --time=30:00:00 : Run this task no longer than 30 hrs.

Interactive GPU job

srun \
-n 1 \
--container-mounts=/netscratch/$USER:/netscratch/$USER,/ds:/ds:ro,"`pwd`":"`pwd`",/home/$USER/:/home/$USER/ \
--container-image=/netscratch/sagar/docker_images/images/10.2.sqsh \
--container-workdir="`pwd`" \
--pty \
--cpus-per-gpu=8 \
--gpus-per-task=1 \
--partition=RTXA6000,A100,V100-32GB,RTX3090 \

change these parameters as per your requirement

  • container-image
  • cpus-per-gpu
  • gpus-per-task
  • partition

Job submission (GPU)

Choice 1- short way

Create a script with a name, let’s say


#SBATCH --nodes=1               # Number of nodes or servers. See:
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=1     # Number of task in each node, we want 1 
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=4       # We want 4 cores for this job.
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=16gb      # each core to have 16 Gb RAM
#SBATCH --gres=gpu:4            # We want 4 GPUs in each node for this job.
#SBATCH --time=30:00:00         # Run this task no longer that 30 hrs.
#SBATCH --partition=RTXA6000,V100-32GB,RTX3090  # Run this only in these mentioned GPUs. If you dont have any choice over GPUs, remove this parameter.
#SBATCH --job-name=mimic_loss
#SBATCH --output=mimic_loss_%A.logs

srun -K \
--container-mounts=/netscratch/$USER:/netscratch/$USER,/ds:/ds:ro,"`pwd`":"`pwd`",/home/$USER/:/home/$USER/ \
--container-image=/netscratch/sagar/docker_images/images/10.2.sqsh \
--container-workdir="`pwd`" \
python --output_dir output

where --container-image should point to your docker-image that has all packages installed like a python version of your choice, PyTorch or TensorFlow.
Submit your job using


Choice 2- long way

I personally prefer using a docker image with minimal installation i.e. supported with just cuda and cudnn version of my choice. I rather use python, pytorch, tensorflow etc. (all required libraries/packages) installed locally in my conda virtual env or python virtual env. (You can also download the docker image of your choice:

  1. Create a script with a name, let’s say

#SBATCH --nodes=1               # Number of nodes or servers. See:
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=1     # Number of task in each node, we want 1 
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=4       # We want 4 cores for this job.
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=16gb      # each core to have 16 Gb RAM
#SBATCH --gres=gpu:4            # We want 4 GPUs in each node for this job.
#SBATCH --time=30:00:00         # Run this task no longer than 30 hrs.
#SBATCH --partition=RTXA6000,V100-32GB,RTX3090  # Run this only in these mentioned GPUs. If you don't have any choice over GPUs, remove this parameter.
#SBATCH --job-name=mimic_loss
#SBATCH --output=mimic_loss_%A.logs

echo "#############################"
echo "Current dir: " ${SLURM_SUBMIT_DIR}
echo "Hostname: `hostname`"

# Print the task details.
echo "Job ID: ${SLURM_JOBID}"
echo "SLURM array task ID:  ${SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID}"
echo "Node list: ${SLURM_JOB_NODELIST}" 
echo "Cluster name: ${SLURM_CLUSTER_NAME}"
echo "Partition name: ${SLURM_JOB_PARTITION}" 
echo "Using: `which python`"
echo -e "#############################\n"

srun -K \
--container-mounts=/netscratch/$USER:/netscratch/$USER,/ds:/ds:ro,"`pwd`":"`pwd`",/home/$USER/:/home/$USER/ \
--container-image=/netscratch/sagar/docker_images/images/10.2.sqsh \
--container-workdir="`pwd`" \

In my script, I use a basic docker image with minimal installation of just cuda and cudnn (a version of my choice). And to use the locally installed libraries and packages, I activate the virtual environment. All these are done in script

  1. Your script will have the actual training script/commands

# We jump into the submission dir

# Activate the python virtual env
source /netscratch/sagar/thesis/sb_env/bin/activate

# But if you are using conda (uncomment the lines below)
# . /netscratch/sagar/miniconda/etc/profile.d/
# conda activate my_env_name

# If you need other packages that are not available in pip/conda, 
# you can install them this way
apt-get update
apt-get -y install libsndfile1

## Single-GPU training
# Execute this python script (this will use 1 GPU regardless you have taken 4 or 8 GPUs)
python hparams/robust_asr.yaml

## Multi GPU training
# If you want your script to use all GPUs that you requested, follow this 
python -m torch.distributed.launch \
--nproc_per_node=${NUM_GPUS} \
--nnodes=${SLURM_JOB_NUM_NODES} \
--node_rank=${SLURM_NODEID} \ hparams/robust_asr.yaml \

## Note
# Multi-gpu jobs will be successful only if your script is adapted to perform DP or DDP training

Submit your job using


Multi-node multi-GPU DDP training

To utilize multiple nodes and all GPUs within those nodes, it is important to ensure that all nodes are connected to a master node. This will allow for efficient distribution of work across all available resources. This can be done using

MASTER=`echo $SLURM_JOB_NODELIST | cut -d"," -f1 | sed 's/[][]//g' | cut -d "-" -f 1,2`

and then in the job submission script modify parameters this way

python -m torch.distributed.launch 

Downloading a docker image

Prepare a script with name

srun enroot import -o /netscratch/$USER/docker_images/$docker_img_name docker://$docker_img

Download docker image and prepare the sqsh file, E.g.

./ nvidia/pytorch:20.10-py3 pytorch:20.10-py3.sqsh